Cristiana Oprea – Romania’s Rally Star

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Cristiana Oprea – Romania’s Rally Star

Without any previous motorsport background, Cristiana Oprea started rallying at the age of 23, participating in the Dacia Cup, the grassroots series in the Romanian National Rally Championship. Since then, she has become a trailblazer for women in motorsport, both as a rally driver and the founder of Femei in Motorsport, a platform dedicated to women in Romanian motorsport. She is the first Romanian woman to compete at the World Rally Championships, as well as the European Rally Championships where she finished on the podium.

On the show, Cristiana shares about her journey into motorsport, which began as something unorthodox and unexpected. While studying architecture and urban planning, she found herself behind the wheel of a rally car and knew her purpose was in motorsport. Using sport to break through gender stereotypes, Cristiana shares with us about her platform Femei in Motorsport, which highlights the contributions and work of fellow female racing drivers in the history of Romania. Taking us deep in to her experiences of bullying, sexism and the impact this has had on her life and her mental health, Cristiana’s openness on this reality is a story shared by many women in sport and one that needs to be spoken about. Cristiana imparts the wisdom she has learnt through her challenges and the decisions she had to make to succeed beyond the impact of bullying. Touch the inspirational story of rallying through Cristiana’s eyes and experience the truth about being a woman in sport. 

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