Chrissy Stragisher – Living an Empowered Life

Chrissy Stragisher - She Speaks Sport.
Chrissy Stragisher – Living an Empowered Life

On the show this week I am empowering women through sport with my guest Chrissy Stragisher. Chrissy is an entrepreneur, coach, and life strategist. For over two decades, she has influenced the lives of female athletes, everyday women, and young boys and girls through her motivational speeches, videos and training programs.    

As a former strength and conditioning coach for the WNBA’s San Antonio Stars, she knows first-hand what it takes to help people reach their highest potential and on the show we do just that. Chrissy unlocks the K.E.Y strategy she uses to help women live a life of resilience, power and fulfilment. We talk about getting knocked down and rising up, how life’s hardships can be reframed and Chrissy shares with us what she learnt through coaching Olympians and WNBA stars.

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