Dinesha Devnarain – The Africa Games

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Dinesha Devnarain – The Africa Games

The 13th Africa Games kick off this week and for the first time since its inception, cricket is on the agenda. Head coach of the South African Women’s Team heading to the games, is Dinesha Devnarain. She is the women’s national academy head coach, the first woman to have a high-performance coaching job at Cricket South Africa and she led the Fairbreak Warriors to the tournament win as assistant coach in Hong Kong last year.

In a deeply personal way Dinesha and I talk about the future of women’s cricket in South Africa, as well as the Olympics, the Commonwealth Games and the brand of cricket Dinesha believes South Africa plays. She also unpacks the team selection for the African Games, and how the team has a bigger purpose in mind, the dream of gold. We talk about the leagues, The Hundred, and the global hunger for women’s cricket. Dinesha also talks exclusively about the plans for the women’s SA20, and how she is a part of the conversations and camps identifying the players and stars for this. Importantly, as a custodian of the game, Dinesha speaks about her goal as the head coach of the African Games team and the eagerness of the players to represent the country and the badge. Insightful and revelatory, don’t miss this conversation ahead of the Games. 

2 thoughts on “Dinesha Devnarain – The Africa Games”

  1. Alona Hendricks

    This is really special – and some wonderful insights into the future of cricket that we can look forward to especially for the SA 20 and women. All the very best to the team competing in West Africa, we are proud.

    1. Lauren Jacobs Profile Pic

      Thanks Alona, I absolutely agree! I’m glad you enjoyed the interview. And we are all rooting for the team at the Games 🙂

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