Tazmin Brits – My Personal Journey

Tazmin Brits - She Speaks Sport
Tazmin Brits - My Personal Journey

On She Speaks Sport this week, I am chatting with the phenomenal Proteas batter, Tazmin Brits.
Tazmin is a top-order batter whose exciting partnerships with Laura Wolvaardt at the top of the order, always excite spectators. She was once the junior world champion for javelin before suffering a horrific car crash that broke her pelvis in four places and left her hospitalized for 3 months. Today, she is a powerhouse on the cricket pitch and even won player of the match in the semi–final T20 World Cup against England.

On the pod, we go deeper into Tazmin’s personal journey with cricket, the downside of social media as a sportsperson, the values she holds most dear, and the importance of inspiring the younger generation of girls who dream of playing sport. Read my exclusive article about Tazmin, over at Lig Magazine.

8 thoughts on “Tazmin Brits – My Personal Journey”

  1. Lauren and Tazmin,

    I really enjoyed this interview! Thank you for taking me down memory lane; reliving the T20 Women’s World Cup brightened my day today. I loved being in the crowd cheering you ladies on. I am STILL so proud of all of you. And Taz, I believe with you that SA will win the next World Cup. Keep up the great work!

    1. Lauren Jacobs Profile Pic

      Mel! 🌺
      What a great gift it was to be in those stands at Newlands, watching history and making history together!
      Yes and amen I agree with you and Taz – the cup will come home, we have incredible cricket players. Thanks for listening in and glad we brightened up your day today.

  2. Tshepang Maubane

    I really love the interview, as someone you enjoys cricket 🏏 it was actually fun to listen it. Thank you so much guanine and open minded conversation

  3. I watched the opening match of the T20 women’s cricket World Cup in February and it was so inspirational for all. Though South Africa did not win this World Cup, we came far and pushed through courageously. Many had doubted women, had doubted women in sport and had doubted the South African women’s cricket team, yet we prevailed and did so graciously. Personally speaking, I am inspired by them and I am super proud of each and every woman, especially the ladies in green and gold. They proved that not every defeat is a loss and not every defeat is failure. Because when she wins, we all win.

    1. Lauren Jacobs Profile Pic

      That opening match was one of for the books! We can only feel that pride – love what you said here, “when she wins, we all win!” amen to that!

  4. Also, I really enjoyed this interview. Hearing about Tazmin’s background story and how far she’s come, the trials and victories and how she pushed through truly inspired me so much. It is women like her who paces the way for the rest of us, not just in sport but in all spheres of life. Watching women play cricket and listening to their stories motivates me big time! Thank Tazmin for sharing your story and thank you Lauren for creating this particular platform for women. I look forward to hearing many more stories such as this…

    1. Lauren Jacobs Profile Pic

      Adine, thank you so much for sharing your inspiring thoughts and for listening in. I cannot agree with you more, Tazmin is truly an inspiration and hearing her story is encouraging. Here’s to all of us rising together!

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