Win your Place in a Racing Camp for Girls

She speaks sport with Fabienne Lanz
Win your Place in a Racing Camp for Girls

On the pod today, I am joined by champion racing driver Fabienne Lanz to talk about her upcoming 3-day, racing camp for teen girls and how one girl will win her spot at the camp.

From real kart racing, to simulators, mechanics and food, this camp is for young teen girls who are newbies and experienced racers. Entries for this competition are open until the 22nd of May so tune in and find out how you, your daughter, granddaughter or goddaughter could win her space in this once in a lifetime opportunity for teens. The camp will take place during the school holidays in July, so this is the perfect way to spend some holiday time!

To enter the competition visit Fabienne’s Instagram Page @fabiennelanz96

1 thought on “Win your Place in a Racing Camp for Girls”

  1. My Women in Motorsport Girls Camp Experience:

    Before the camp I would mostly think about how unsure I was about where to start, if I could still start and how many things might make it difficult for me to start a career in motorsport.

    I now feel a whole lot more confident about actually setting off.
    I got to hear so many inspiring stories, some of which share common qualities with my own story and so my hope has been greatly restored.

    I got to put myself into situations I feared getting into before the camp, like creating bonds with people I have never met before, being in the spotlight or in front of a camera, testing out my strengths in front of spectators and getting in a few(well quite a few) ‘bumps’ whilst driving at high speeds.

    These experiences have helped me grow immensely.
    I really love how well-rounded the camp was, we didn’t just get into the practical side of things like driving, taking care of your car and the machine that drives the car(the body.)

    We dived into the theory side of things as well like business and building your brand, and planning a lifestyle for a healthy mental state.

    But one of the things that I loved most about the camp, was getting to meet the people who believe in the dream that we are chasing:

    The inspiring women who have come so far in their professional racing careers and getting to see the hope in their eyes as they witness the growth for love of motorsport in the future professional women in motorsport.

    The younger professional kart racers with their passion for speed, and how they stick together and support one other against the pressure of being the current minority in their motorsport scene.

    As well as the ladies who aren’t working their way towards being in the driver’s seat professionally but, to being professional women in the motorsport scene in other fields.

    Lastly those who aren’t women and believe that this is a dream worth fighting for as well, who also passionately hope to see the barriers break.

    All of this was super inspiring to be in the midst of and I believe that this event has already set great changes into motion, and I can’t wait to witness these changes come to life.

    A huge thank you to Fabienne Lanz and everyone behind the opportunity!

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