Natascha Knaven Developing Cycling Talent

Natascha Knaven - She speaks sport
Natascha Knaven Developing Cycling Talent

Women’s professional cycling has come a long way since I first started watching the sport back in 2009, and over the past year it has made even longer strides. Yet, headlines surrounding gender parity in women’s cycling still remain a stark reminder that more is needed to be done in the sport so many people love and participate in. Which is why I am so thrilled to be welcoming Natascha Knaven – van Ouden, who is the co – founder, sport manager, coach and mentor for the Ag Insurance – Soudal – Quickstep women’s team. Breaking boundaries in the sport through her passion for women’s development in cycling, Natascha is a real “tour de force.”

On the show, we discuss the gap between development cycling and the pro – peloton and how Natascha is bridging that gap through her programs and the U-23 development. We also shine a light on the importance of education, internship and work skill success for all the cyclists on her team and how this impacts sponsorship on the bike. Natascha also shares with us about her four daughters’ cycling journey’s and how she herself came in to the realm of co – founding a team with her husband Servais. What does she think of the Tour de France Femme cycling route for 2024, with its climbs and challenges? And how can the future change for the better when it comes to sponsorships, and equal opportunities for women in cycling? Join us for an exuberant conversation on crucial aspects of women’s cycling.

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