Face Off with Ice Hockey Player Elaine Moller

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Face Off with Ice Hockey Player Elaine Moller

This week it’s ice hockey week on She Speaks Sport ahead of the South African women’s tour to Turkey. My Guest Elaine Moller has been playing ice hockey for over 10 years and has proudly represented South Africa internationally for 5 years. She is part of the senior women’s team representing our country at the World Championships from April 1st to April 7th

On the show, Elaine shares how she got into ice hockey, and how there are unique challenges facing female ice hockey players, including investment and the reality of not being taken seriously as a competitive player. We also talk about the Turkey tournament starting this week, the preparation of the team, and which team she is looking forward to taking on at the world champs. She answers the most Googled question about women’s ice hockey which strangely is, “Do women fight in ice hockey?” We talk about the aggression as part of the game, her role models and her hopes for the future of the sport.

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